Mo-Sci porous silica (frit or spheres) is a >98% SiO2 and <2% B2O3 material with an open porosity of ~45% and a specific surface area of ≥250m2/g. Due to the composition, these materials are resistant to acidic conditions and can be used for a variety of applications from chromatography, a carrier for release of liquids, an absorber for liquids a.k.a. thirsty glass, and thermal barrier protection. Below porous silica spheres (-53µm) are shown, but spheres can be manufactured below ~125 µm in diameter and frit is available in sizes below ~500µm. Material of specific sizes and size distributions are available upon request.

Porous Wall Hollow Glass Microspheres
Porous wall hollow glass microspheres are unique devices in that they provide a porous shell for introduction or release of liquids and are ~98% porous with pore sizes ranging from 100Å to 3000Å. The porous shells have a microsturcture similar to vycor and it composed of open channels from the outer shell to the inner shell. The shell thickness is ~1µm.

These devices have been studied for use in applications such as cancer treatment, drug delivery, batteries, a variety of biological diagnostic uses, embolic treatments, and bone regeneration to name a few. These shells are available in sizes ranging from ~20µm to 100 µm with distributions and sizing available upon request.

Note: These shells are sold by unit volume as packaged, and some settling or shell fracture may occur during shipment. This is most prevalent in shells approaching 90 µm in diameter. It is not suggested to try and screen the porous shells as they are fragile and may break. Sizing is done prior to acid leaching the shells.